Empowered Lives Hypnotherapy

Cost of Hypnotherapy

20 minute Consultation and Assessment
Initial 3 X 60 minute session package
Other 1 X 60 minute sessions
Additional 3 X 60 minute session packages

If I Feel Life Empowerment Therapy Is Not For You After Our Consultation I Will Point You In The Right Direction. I Always Have Your Best Interests At Heart.

To Book Your Complimentary Consultation Or Ask Me A Question, Fill Out The Contact Form And I Will Get Back To You.

To book your complimentary consultation or ask me a question, fill out the contact form and I will get back to you.

I offer hypnotherapy On-Line And Am Flexible With Days & Times Including Evenings And Weekends.


Stories of Success

    Jenny P


    I was trying to run my own business and raise a family and the stress and overwhelm in my life was reaching breaking point. I had never tried hypnotherapy before but loved it. Found it so relaxing and powerful. After LET with Deb I completely changed the way I managed my stress and my business and so began to enjoy my business instead of hating it.

      Suzanne T


      My anxiety was running my life. I had a lot of dreams but because of anxiety I did not take action to pursue those dreams. I was afraid of failure and I was a chronic procrastinator. After a course of LET my life looks so different. I went back to study , got a promotion in my school, and am track for a role as a deputy principal. I am also making plans to do an overseas trip, something my anxiety stopped me from doing before. I was a little anxious going into my first session with LET but the best part was the hypnotherapy.

        Jenny P


        I was trying to run my own business and raise a family and the stress and overwhelm in my life was reaching breaking point. I had never tried hypnotherapy before but loved it. Found it so relaxing and powerful. After LET with Deb I completely changed the way I managed my stress and my business and so began to enjoy my business instead of hating it.

          Suzanne T


          My anxiety was running my life. I had a lot of dreams but because of anxiety I did not take action to pursue those dreams. I was afraid of failure and I was a chronic procrastinator. After a course of LET my life looks so different. I went back to study , got a promotion in my school, and am track for a role as a deputy principal. I am also making plans to do an overseas trip, something my anxiety stopped me from doing before. I was a little anxious going into my first session with LET but the best part was the hypnotherapy.


          Stories of Success

            Jenny P


            I was trying to run my own business and raise a family and the stress and overwhelm in my life was reaching breaking point. I had never tried hypnotherapy before but loved it. Found it so relaxing and powerful. After LET with Deb I completely changed the way I managed my stress and my business and so began to enjoy my business instead of hating it.

              Suzanne T


              My anxiety was running my life. I had a lot of dreams but because of anxiety I did not take action to pursue those dreams. I was afraid of failure and I was a chronic procrastinator. After a course of LET my life looks so different. I went back to study , got a promotion in my school, and am track for a role as a deputy principal. I am also making plans to do an overseas trip, something my anxiety stopped me from doing before. I was a little anxious going into my first session with LET but the best part was the hypnotherapy.

                Jenny P


                I was trying to run my own business and raise a family and the stress and overwhelm in my life was reaching breaking point. I had never tried hypnotherapy before but loved it. Found it so relaxing and powerful. After LET with Deb I completely changed the way I managed my stress and my business and so began to enjoy my business instead of hating it.

                  Suzanne T


                  My anxiety was running my life. I had a lot of dreams but because of anxiety I did not take action to pursue those dreams. I was afraid of failure and I was a chronic procrastinator. After a course of LET my life looks so different. I went back to study , got a promotion in my school, and am track for a role as a deputy principal. I am also making plans to do an overseas trip, something my anxiety stopped me from doing before. I was a little anxious going into my first session with LET but the best part was the hypnotherapy.


                  Frequently Asked Questions

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